Obvestila referata

Predvpis študentov v sistem subvencionirane študentske prehrane v letu

Na nekaterih točkah SŠP bo od septembra dalje že možen predvpis v sistem za koriščenje subvencionirane študentske prehrane (SŠP) za študijsko leto 2023/2024. Če že imate urejen vpis na izobraževalni ustanovi, je priporočljivo, da to izkoristite in se v sistem vpišete čim prej, še preden nastane gneča na vpisnih mestih. Poleg tega bodo v času predvpisa točke SŠP tudi na nekaterih študentskih klubih po vsej Sloveniji in ne le v univerzitetnih mestih. Podatke o odpiralnem času točk SŠP najdete na spletni strani pod zavihkom točke SŠP.
S 1. 10. 2023 bo vsem študentom, ki ne bodo izkazovali upravičenosti do subvencij za naslednje obdobje, onemogočeno koriščenje subvencije, dokler ne bodo ponovno potrdili statusa študenta.

1. Za bodoče študente in druge študente, ki se prvič vpisujejo v sistem SŠP, je postopek prijave opisan na spletni strani, pod zavihkom pogosta vprašanja.

2. Za študente, ki so že v sistemu subvencionirane študentske prehrane, je omogočeno, da v svojem osebnem profilu z vpisom uporabniškega imena in gesla označijo, da želijo pravico do študentske prehrane za študijsko leto 2023/2024, ko že prejmejo potrdilo o vpisu za prihodnje študijsko leto. To pomeni, da obisk točke SŠP ni več potreben.

Da bi se izognili gneči in nepotrebnemu čakanju, vam še enkrat priporočamo, da se v sistem za novo študijsko leto vpišete čim prej.

Študentska organizacija Slovenije


Some Subsidized Student Meals offices will allow early enrollment in the Subsidized Student Meals system for the academic year 202 3 /202 4 as early as September. If you are already enrolled at an educational institution, it is advisable to use the opportunity and enroll in the system as soon as possible before the lines and crowds form in front of the offices. Furthermore, early enrollment will be possible at selected student clubs across Slovenia and not just in university towns. Additional information about opening hours of the Subsidized Student Meals offices is available at website under the SŠP Points tab.
From October 1, 202 3 all students who cannot prove their eligibility to subsidized student meals for the following period will be blocked from the system until they renew t heir enrollment at an educational institution.

1. For prospective students and other students enrolling in the Subsidized Student Meals system for the first time, the application procedure is presented at website, where frequently asked questions are available.

2. For students who are already in the Subsidized Student Meals system, it is possible to mark down in their personal profile by entering their username and password that they want to use the right to student meals for the academic year 2023/2024. Students may do this step when they receive a certificate of enrollment for the future academic year. This means that a visit to the Subsidized Student Meals offices is no longer necessary.

In order to avoid unnecessary queues and crowds we encourage you to enroll in the system for the new academic year as soon as possible.

Slovenian Student Union